DJA JOB OFFERSContact us to propose your services as an architect, draughts(wo)man or buildingsite manager.
Positions available at this moment, we hire regularly.
Positions offered for practical experiences.
Send us a... -
Studyr trip to the VORARLBERG28, 29 et 30 septembre 2022.
Programme - Formation sur sites - Développement Durable &... -
Deux passerelles à AnnecyTwo footbridges in...
Villa Cohendier à St Pierre en FaucignyExtension of Villa...
Clubhouse du Golf à Saint Martin BellevueDesign for Bouygues...
ChavanodTwo of DJA's projects under way in Chavanod : The new townhall and a housing project for Bouygues...
Photo documentary by Pierre VALLETOur friend photographer Pierre VALLET seized the light of our project PMS at Seynod.
Happy new year!We send you our best wishes for 2018!
Our wishes are accompanied by a small book containing... -
First Stone in St JoriozToday, the first stone was laid for the social housing project carried out in St Jorioz by SA MONT...
SALES | Community hall | Work in progressCyril realized new artistic views enhancing the features of this small community hall for the...
DJA projects on the website of the CAUE74Several projects of DJA are illustrated on the website of the CAUE74.
Photography Béatrice... -
Open houseThe French Association of Architectes organises "Office Open Days".
DJA opens its office to... -
Office picnic in the Malaz park adjacent to Seynod's new Medical and Social CenterMarc invited the office to a visit the most recent building delivered by DJA. A happy client and...
DJA welcomes Club PrescrireThis monday january 30th DJA wlecomes Club Prescrire in the new office of the...
DJA finished work on the refurbishment of their new office.Work on our new office is finished. We moved in. Very happy!
In the words of the man who... -
UNIVERSITY LIBARY in ANNECYSnow finally covered our project in ANNECY, Haute Savoie. Final work Under way for Delivery march...
DJA will move!Our young dynamic team will move on into a new refurbished working space. Same adress, one level...
Tignes dreams of the first mountainhigh indoor slislope. (Newspaper article oublished 24/11/2016 in the "Dauohiné Libéré)This daring project designed by DJA is the result of visionary Tignes mayor. Article also published...
Welcome to ...In 2016 6 (!) new collègues joint our team. Thank you Sophie, Jessica, Paul, Marc, Sylvie And Cyril...
Inauguration of the extension of the headquarters of the Chamber of Trade of the Haute Savoie - La Maison des ArtisansInauguration November 8, 2016 by Mr. Marc LOPEZ President of the CMA74 and Mr. Barnard ACCOYER...
Competition child center in TignesThe project is composed by a nursery school - 30 beds - a tourist daycare center - 30 beds - 4...
Competition 90 social housing of which 36 for subsidized homeownership in SeynodThe simple and sober volumetry of the buildings comes from a bioclimatic...
Competition new fire station in Gex-DivonneSituated at the city gates, the project consisting of different combined entities is integrated to...
La Chambre de Métiers 74 - AnnecyWe will soon deliver this magnificent building. A beautiful stone cladding in façade . Beautiful...
Official start of the EPF head officeThe construction is going well ahead for the head office of EPF and delivery is foreseen in...
DE JONG architectes wishes you a happy new year 2016!DE JONG architectes wishes you a happy new year...
Delivery of the "Les Jardins de Mûres""Alpes Création Immobilière" has just delivered the first of three housing buildings. Ideally...
Observatoire des Bâtiments à Basse Consommation
The 27 appartment project "Le Jardin de Mures " located in Mûres, Haute Savoie, Is... -
Space dedicated to pedastrians in town...Drawing from an unknown artist as seen on the site...
Swiss attitudeA sign I saw in a parking in Lausanne. Very...
DJA at the building site of LA PEROLLIERE in CRAN GEVRIERThe architects of DJA went to see the largest construction site of the agency: A housing project of...
Positive energy buildings and a well aging wooden façadeOur twin childcare centers in St Jean de la Porte and Châteauneuf Savoie are a delight for its...
Let's build hopeRound Table: "What's the Savoyard force for wood construction of industrial premises?" Speech by...
Happy new yearThe whole team of DE JONG architectes wishes you all the best for...
Visit of the Louis Vuitton Foundation in ParisA great project that allows for a beautiful architectural walk around the exhibition halls and...
Competiton win for the University Library in Annecy le VieuxExtension of the actual library builiding housed in an old farm.
Work has begun and... -
Buildingsite of Le Verger in La Roche sur ForonThe rooftop extension of the home for elderly and the construction of the kindergarten were...
Competition for a nursery school in VETRAZ MONTHOUXThis project concerns the extension of a primary school. The extension is a wood...